Horrendously Expensive Voile Review

by - 6:47 PM

The Title Says It All

Voile has always been a little more pricey than other stores, and typically carries items based off of designer brands. But that doesn't make it a tribute store, not does it mean I'm paying 36SD for CURTAINS!!!

What I Kind Of Liked:

There's nothing to rave about here. Personally, I like... the theme. But that's pretty much it.

What I Hated:

Oh, the graphics! The super flat-chested, ugly graphics. Where do I even start? The only particularly nice item, is probably only nice because the lace covers up the total lack of decent shading.

Secondly, is the generic whiteness of it all. I would have preferred to have seen the original versions of these items, in their original colours, in a tribute store. Making it all-white is just a waste, and then there's cultural issues on top of that. Many Asian cultures use red for weddings. And there's also the tradition of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." And there's girls who just don't want to wear a dress.

Oh, and I almost for got to mention the single, horrendously overpriced, starcoin item. Earrings. 

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  1. The items are supposed to be "generically" white. It is a wedding after all, so the white stands for purity. Although the asian cultures use red in their weddings, stardoll was going for a general audience. They can't always tailor things to fit everyone. In the end, this is a game. It's not supposed to be a 100% accurate representation of RL. If you don't want to wear a dress, then don't buy from the collection. Again, they were making it for a general audience, not to be politically correct.
